Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Few Yards and a Touchdown Pass in the Right Direction

When given his choice of Cadillac’s, NFL’s MVP Eli Manning chose the Cadillac Escalade Hybrid, saying, “I know it comes out in the summer. I want the first one.” Manning and his Caddy will be driving to the tune of 330 gallons LESS of gasoline per year.(Go to: for more details) If one barrel contains 42 gallons of crude oil, then approximately 7.86 barrels of oil will be saved per year by the Escalade. Yes, I would like to see more saved per year, but the very realistic, possibly pessimistic, part of me knows that the human desire for them is oh so real. So at this moment, with the Escalade being the SUV to the stars and anyone looking to blingify their driveway, I’m thankful for the measly 7.86 barrels of crude oil that we don’t have to use.
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