Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Hummer Helps Commercial

So, if I’m drowning in a flood of waters caused by a hurricane, I should hope my neighbor or someone I know has a Hummer, because if they do they can rescue me? This new commercial for Hummer is as irrelevant as it is ridiculous. The only thing Hummer helps is the pace in which the Arctic ice caps are melting, and that unlike this commercial, is FACT. This Hummer ploy that courses through the air waves and into our sub-conscience (or so they hope) is that if I, regular civilian Joe Schmoe drive one, I will be elevated to superhero status when natural disaster strikes. Like I said, ridiculous. This commercial should not only upset anti-Hummer activists, but also the wayward consumers that currently own them. If there is a Hummer consumer reading this, please tell me, are you ready to throw me a tow line from your massive beast of an SUV should I be found drowning in your nearest water channel after a storm? Because, after this commercial…I will expect this of you.

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