Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gas Problem Solved; let’s go drilling for more!

With oil at $115 a barrel and gas at $4.15 a gallon immediate gratification is on the minds of many, (especially our Pez….oops I mean Prez) and if by immediate you mean a probable 10-15 year wait before a possibility of a somewhat break in gas prices at the pump then offshore drilling is the answer!! Let’s lift the ban on offshore drilling to suck the yolk out of our planet so we can become an even more unstable egg shell, while polluting our skies to do just that. Great idea! Thanks for lifting the executive ban ( now let me run over to Congress and give them my two thumbs up. NOT!! The fact that polls show more Americans in favor of drilling in areas off-limits for decades scares me. ( I’m worried about us…I’m worried that we can regress so easily when a little strain is put on our pocketbooks. Drilling for more to satiate our never ending thirst is not the answer…we are only treating the symptoms here and not curing the disease. Can’t we come up with something better? Oh wait… we have! Alternative fuels! Bicycles! Hybrid Technology! Even our own two feet could get us somewhere…but alas, we’re reticent to walk and quick to run into yet another environmental expunging. Every year since 1981 our ‘just say no’ policy on offshore drilling is renewed by congress. ( What about this year?

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